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1957 Dodge
Royal Lancer

1957 Dodge
Custom Royal
Super D500

Cave Rock - Lake Tahoe. Highway 50 winds its way along
the shore of Lake Tahoe, 6,225 feet above the sea. Among
the first government explorers to come to the Pacific Coast
was John C. Fremont and his almost as famous Chief
Guide, Kit Carson. On February 14, 1844, in company with
Charles Preuss, Fremont looked down on a great sheet of
crystal clear water, which he designated as Mountain
Lake. Later the name was changed to Lake Bonpland,
after the noted French botanist and companion of Baron
Von Humbolt. Maps of 1853-1862 had the name of Lake
Bigler, named after the third governor of California. Today
this sky-blue lake is known as Lake Tahoe . . . M.P.

Published by Royal Pictures - Colton, California

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