Wally Byam
Caravan Club
This nationally known Club of travelers are parked at
Sugarcreek, Ohio. The Little Switzerland of Ohio. Each year the
3rd Fri. and Sat. of September Sugarcreek has what has
became famous a Swiss Cheese Festival. The entire down
town has swiss style buildings and since there are many swiss
cheese factorys in the area the parades on both days abound
in Swiss Costumes and song & dance groups. Many Swiss
customs are presented as well as national sports. Schwingfest,
Steintossen, Yodeling and of course tons of swiss cheese are
consumed or taken home. It is really a gala event.
Pub. by Kelley's Studio, 202 N. Potomac St., Hagerstown, Md. 21740
Color by Frank D. Kelley
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